BeamU FIDO Security Key

Leading the security key industry with its first-ever fingerprint protection.
Enabling multi-factor and passwordless authentication to protect against phishing attacks.
Works with popular devices, browsers, apps and services that support FIDO standards.
BeamU password manager stores all your passwords in a secure smart card protected by our fingerprints.
BeamU has a built-in FIDO U2F authentication key protected with your fingerprints.
You can log on to your accounts securely from any desktop or mobile device. Mac, Win, iOS, Android.
Built-in Bluetooth tracker allows you to find your phones.
Secure cloud recovery of your passwords

Experience The Next Level Of Security & Ease of Use For Accessing your Online Accounts

Protect your data
All your data is stored on the card so you don't have to rely on the security of your mobile or computer device. Your data is protected using a biometric fingerprint sensor so you don't have to remember a password or PIN.
Manage your passwords
Store your passwords in BeamU's biometrically-secured, tamper-proof hardware vault. Login automatically into your website with using your favorite web browsers.
Find your mobile device
BeamU uses Bluetooth© Low Energy to help you locate your lost mobile device.
Uses hardware security
BeamU support for FIDO2/U2F provides seamless login experience into your Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, and Twitter. (Click on this link to see websites supporting FIDO2/U2F)
Secure backups
BeamU offers backup of your data should you lose your card. Restoring your data to a new card only takes a few clicks using our Device Manager.
Battery-powered Wearable
BeamU is the size of a credit card so it fits nicely in your wallet or purse. It conveniently syncs with your devices so you can stay connected wherever you go. Security, protection, convenience at all times.
Automatically stores your passwords secured on BeamU
Simplify Login
You'll always have the credentials when you need it, making logging in fast and easy. Integrated FIDO U2F Security Key option.
Local Vault & Cloud Backup
BeamU securely stores all credentials locally while providing a multifactor Cloud Backup and recovery process.
Cross Platform
BeamU's Password Manager is supported for all your devices.
Protect your online access
Strong Security
Strong two-factor authentication using FIDO public-key cryptography that protects against phishing, session hijacking, man-in-the-middle, and malware attacks.
Easy to Use
Works out-of-the-box thanks to native support in platforms and browsers including Chrome, Mozilla, Safari and Edge, enabling instant authentication to any number of services.
Multiple Options
Open standards provide flexibility and product choice. Designed for existing phones and computers, for many authentication modalities, and with different communication methods (BLE, USB with NFC coming soon.
Ring your phone from BeamU
Bluetooth© 5.0
BeamU uses Bluetooth© Low Energy beacon technology to track your mobile device.
Lost Your Mobile Device?
Use BeamU to ring your mobile device.
Track Your Wallet
Coming soon...